Friday 6 February 2015


Well, No it's not a fancy restaurant name but a phrase-"Thank God It's Monday"! Very commonly used in western world in relation to workplace. That's what I was told while I was interacting with someone recently. Since then this phrase has anchored in my mind.

In respect to working style in India, from both employee and employer's point of view, I ponder how well this phrase holds value. Work place/office is a place where your growth is measured more in terms of how smart you work rather than how hard you work. 'Smart work' also includes being able to dodge as well as playback the moves of omnipresent politics at work.

From an Employer's perspective TGIM is a vision that HR in every company strives to create.

From an Employee's perspective TGIM is a vision which is yet to be realized.Most of us get up half heartedly and muster courage to start our week on a Monday, eagerly waiting for Friday to come and finish it off.  Honestly, how many times have you not said " how I wish it was friday today".

Jokes apart, joy of TGIM can be realized if :
  • Employees understand the 'meaningfulness' of the work that they do.They understand their KRAs well. Because once they have an understanding of the work that they are supposed to do, they would be able to contribute better to the organizational goal. Then, it will not just be about salary and benefits,it will be more about their work contributing to the greater good of the company.

  • Employers concentrate on The 3Ps in the order of People-Product-Profit. Company policies, culture, leadership, system etc are designed such that they are more people centric. These components -culture and good values etc can further define both workers and employees as 'one company'. Resulting into an ongoing commitment to improve customer journey and well defined product strategy. And believe me if the first two Ps are aligned such, third P will automatically follow.

  • Employees feel a sense of accountability towards their work.They carry a sense of responsibility to the job and company as a whole.

  • Employers don't just outline the work, jobs and roles for the employees but also make it measurable for them.

  • Employees understand the principle behind Team-work, Comradery rather than concentrating on working in silos.

  • Employers create a system of Reward and Recognition for completing a job well done.Showing a genuine appreciation for their contribution.

  • Employers provide their workers with training and developmental opportunities. Foster an environment of innovation and creativity. 

  • Employees are able to identify their training needs to perform a particular task which further helps them carry their meaningful responsibilities within the organization.

A Magnetic way about it!

Some are of the view that engagement games/activities just alone make or create a TGIM factor in an organisation. But my experience & understanding say that they may constitute or be a part of the wholistic approach but alone they are not the sole driving factor. It's a fact that companies like Zappos, South West airlines, Sysco,Cisco(& many more like them) have created a smart organization with smart people by 'focusing on' and 'nurturing' a culture that is unique. A culture of helping and promoting co-workers, free and transparent exchange of ideas, making people feel involved and special. A culture where work becomes more than just a job.

This was just my effort on understanding the phrase. I'll be glad if you could add more to it !


  1. I'm a pretty old gal, and I've never heard this phrase before. The more common phrase is TGIF... "Thank God It's Friday." In fact, it's such a common attitude in our culture, we even have a restaurant by that name.

    But I much prefer the attitude embodied by your TGIM. It expresses a looking forward to the week, and a certain excitement about one's job and life. TGIF is more of a "I made it through another miserable week at work" attitude, where it's all about living for the weekend. A rather cynical approach to life, don't you think?

    Take care.

    1. Thank you for the comment Susan and for appreciating the attitude embodied in TGIM here :)


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